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DeTrotseTuinkabouter t1_j6dx811 wrote

This sub really is just 90% feel good stories that you can barely call news eh?


DeTrotseTuinkabouter t1_j6e4sx1 wrote

I personally would appreciate it more if it's actual news. Discoveries, positive societal change, good new legislature, etc.

Some 92 year old being reunited with her cat isn't much of a news items. Heck, perhaps we can technically classify it as such, but I hope you get what I mean.


ZoiSarah t1_j6ebal2 wrote

At my masters degree ceremony, the key note speaker was a 80+ year old woman who was graduating the same day as her daughter and granddaughter. It was so wonderful and I love the notion that you're never too old to learn


about831 t1_j6eczoj wrote

Imagine going to a kegger at the Omega house and finding your mom playing beer pong.

But seriously that’s a cool commitment.


TheHancock t1_j6eg3hs wrote

Heyyy my mom and brother did this 10 years ago!

Always good to see! You’re never too old to learn!


daft__cunt t1_j6enhp3 wrote

Let’s hope he doesn’t get shot by police for looking happy.


Mishap-p t1_j6ep9e7 wrote

Do they get a discount if two members of the same family go to school together there?


Klaus0225 t1_j6eyphg wrote

You’re thinking all news needs to be on a level of international interest to be actual news? You don’t seem to know what news actually is… This is news. Whether it’s news you care about or not is a different story. But it’s still news. The little things make a big difference in how people see the world.

These stories are good for the mind. If you don’t like, keep scrolling. Don’t try and diminish the value this positivity, big and small, brings to people.


SanFranLocal t1_j6f4s3x wrote

My mom and I did the same thing. Where’s my article?


ViolettePlague t1_j6fi5lo wrote

When my two children went to college, my husband and I decided decided to go back. My husband will be earning his Masters the same time our oldest graduates. I will be graduating at the same time as our youngest.


Ooderman t1_j6fjdqi wrote

Most wholesome mother/son thing I've read since two broke arms.


Astavri t1_j6fjvzx wrote

Honestly it means a lot less considering universities are more about degree churning than quality of education.

Considering it's a "global university" especially. I wouldn't doubt it was some sort of discreet ad either.

Still better than University of Pheonix though


insantitty t1_j6ftbn6 wrote

sure but that’s also different then what we’re talking about? that’s a benefit of employment, not something that’s offered to a family with concurrent multi-gen students


RockinghamRaptor t1_j6g3jwx wrote

My grandmother went back to high school in her late 30s, when my Dad was the school president lol.


grilled_steezus t1_j6gfunr wrote

The written Korean is not even remotely correct to congratulations… I guess they couldn’t even Google translate 🤷‍♂️ smh


Thoughtwolf t1_j6h2wpx wrote

In most provinces, countries, states, etc. only those who have signed the contract for the debt, and the "Estate" of someone who has passed away owes back debts. So things that you own are to be sold and liquidated to pay off debts. Once all debts have been paid, only then can things of the estate be given to heirs.

If you owe 80k and have 100k in the bank in cash, you can just pay it off. Then your house or car or belongings, etc. go straight to the heirs.

However if you owe 80k and have only 60k in assets, those things would have to be sold to pay off the estate's dues and there would be no inheritance.


HeavyLogix t1_j6jdjpi wrote

I know more precisely how it works. It’s all based on a contingency. If you define it as otherwise yours it would have been in that scenario. That is how it works. I’ve worked within probate and have my own trusts.

You refusing to understand how things work, using any words, doesn’t mean you know shit about any of this

Now, you will fuck off. 👋


Klaus0225 t1_j6jokn5 wrote

> I personally would appreciate it more if it’s actual news

This implies you don’t believe it’s news.

Then saying:

> perhaps we can technically classify it as such

You said “perhaps” which means “maybe” so you’re still not calling it news.

So no, you did not say it was news in your comment.