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Sonyguyus t1_j3kfjo8 wrote

I wish they had the intelligence here in America to ban single use plastics in restaurants too. I’m sure there’d be enough lobbiests to “persuade” the politicians that workers need to keep making them to stay employed. Instead of adapting to greener laws, we choose to pollute the planet because of “jobs”


hana_solo9 t1_j3nof2v wrote

Styrofoam cups too. I live in china usually but I’m visiting family in the US and I’m astonished by the amount of styrofoam is used. China is a whole other ballgame with single use plastic and delivery stuff.


Aalnius t1_j3o2wvn wrote

is styrofoam not getting banned in america? i heard it was getting banned or at least talked about having the laws passed for it to be banned.


KlausVonChiliPowder t1_j3mpmal wrote

I'm pretty sure technology handles most of the manufacturing of this stuff anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if grocery and restaurant chains are investing much more in lobbying for banning the stuff, claiming some sort of environmental concern, but really so they can point to politicians for shifting the cost to the consumer.

People are still going to buy plastic utensils and bags. Especially, those of us who reuse these things. Now we get to buy it ourselves. Unfortunately it's going to be the poorer communities who are most affected because they rely on these things, especially plastic bags.


Sonyguyus t1_j3muf8f wrote

It would hurt those living in poverty much more, you’re right. Hopefully banning single use plastics can help push using recycled papers and biodegradable plastics made from corn. Maybe some grocery stores can offer free reusable bags for signing up like to Walmart or Sams clubs. It can be figured out but you gotta take that first step sometime or else it’ll always be this way.


bc4284 t1_j3kqn9w wrote

And this is why we need ubi. Anyone with half a brain can see that high employment rates at 40 hrs a week is unsustainable. There just are t enough things that need doing by people to justify it . We need to move beyond the idea that everyone needs to have a job that pays enough per hour to work 40 He’s a week and just subsidize keeping people with a universal basic amount of income for basic needs. If people want more than the basic needs then they can work, working should provide a means of having extra not provide the means of surviving


sg3niner t1_j3kuqx2 wrote

Where, exactly do you think the money for UBI is going to come from?

If you take a fairly conservative $1200 a month to cover rent, food, and basic utilities (not including internet or phone or ANYTHING else) and multiply that by 2/3 of the US population, that's 2.8 Trillion dollars a year.


There's no way you can do that that wouldn't make the inflation we're currently seeing look like the tiniest little blip in history.


bigThinc t1_j3m4val wrote

a trillion dollars is 1/25th of last year’s american gdp.

people fail to realize that the main drivers of inflation aren’t people — they’re corporations

related example: while inflation and interest rates are both high, reserve requirement ratios for banks are still zero. theoretically, this gives big enough banks carte blanche to print as much money as they want, driving inflation.


JillStinkEye t1_j3m836e wrote

A large chunk comes from being about to completely dissolve a lot of governmental assistance programs. You still have the assistance money that would have been given out, but without the extreme overhead of bureaucracy. All the red tape for the most common welfare situations is absurd.


SilverNicktail t1_j3oxztr wrote

Current US healthcare spending - per year - is over 4 trillion dollars.

You were saying?


Arra13375 t1_j3lj3rq wrote

Idk why people have a hard time doing the basic math for this
