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spliffdiffin t1_j2evs2p wrote

No they won't. If that got out it would be a pr nightmare.


alabasterwilliams t1_j2f2e0w wrote

Good thing McDonalds employees are barred from speaking to any form of media regarding their employment. If they’d like to keep their job that is.

And McD’s bread and butter is financially unstable, dependent and low skilled employees.


spliffdiffin t1_j2fjax0 wrote

I'm sorry but no, I don't think this dystopia your painting is real. Retail jobs right now are dime a dozen, trust me, I KNOW. Retail stores are currently having great trouble retaining employees, and there are open retail positions anywhere and everywhere. Right now, managers will hire anyone with a pulse (for shitty pay, but that's at MCee-Dees too) and will jump at the chance to hire someone with previous retail experience.

My point is, I promise you that most of these employees would not be devastated if they were fired from their minimum wage McDonalds job.