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off-and-on t1_j1qiipx wrote

I've heard South Korean food is very good, that stranger got lucky too.


Ih8MyBrosWife t1_j1qj8k0 wrote

I lived in a Korean neighborhood for a couple years. The food is great. Koreans also love to drink. I ve had some wild soju bomb nights with my Korean friends.


Looter629 t1_j1qo0r1 wrote

Yo, they don't stop drinking and the bars won't close until they do. I remember walking by young adults passed out on the sidewalk in front of a bar because leaving before your boss was frowned upon. I can hold my alcohol but S. Koreans put me to shame! and the food is delicious.


Magiwarriorx t1_j1t45qh wrote

I found some Soonhari soju at my liquor store lately. ~13oz bottles, 12% abv. I just assumed it was meant to be drunk like a wine. Blew me away that its meant to be drunk in a single sitting like a beer.


Abba_Fiskbullar t1_j1togvq wrote

Soju is usually fairly nasty, and the listed ABV% is a dirty lie, with most being around 20% in reality.


Magiwarriorx t1_j1toug1 wrote

The ones I got were flavored, and ranged from "overwhelmingly cheap, acrid, artificial flavor" to "flavored water, cant even taste the alcohol".


djinnisequoia t1_j1ska0j wrote

Oh, soju! Man, a soju fruit cocktail is so good, and it seems to be a very agreeable form of liquor. I always feel really happy after some gogi and soju.


chewbaccalaureate t1_j1rarq1 wrote

Do yourself a favor and find a restaurant. "Chinese" food and teriyaki came over Stateside much earlier and adapted to fit American tastes (like Genrsal Tsao's) but Korean food is absolutely amazing and very overlooked.

Bulgogi, bibimbap, Korean barbecue (pork belly, beef, etc.) Soft tofu soup, and kimchi stew are all good gateway foods that are accessible.


saddestgirl666 t1_j1rktqm wrote

I'm loving that Korean food is becoming wildly popular in the US. It makes finding it and all necessary ingredients much easier. I can just stop at Kroger for a lot of things as opposed to having to go to a Korean/Asian market. It also feels good to have people rave over food I already knew was delicious growing up. I remember being in school and people commenting on how my Korean food mom made me looked or smelled gross.


PrinceOfPersuation t1_j1rz1vw wrote

Also the morning smell test on our clothes for potential kimchi smell. I wish korean culture was as acceptable as it is now when I was growing up.


saddestgirl666 t1_j1rzv96 wrote

I feel you, friend. Let's just be grateful that it is now, right? Progress is progress.


NathanTheKlutz t1_j23rbbs wrote

Last summer I cooked up some round steaks of venison, from a deer my dad bagged, in a Korean BBQ marinade I made from scratch. The results were utterly delicious.


rightnow4466 t1_j1s87nv wrote

There's a Korean restaurant near me that serves cold cucumber kimchi. OMG!


mashtartz t1_j1r9vtg wrote

Korean food is fucking amazing. Even just ban chan, which most places will serve for free, is worth going.


Magiwarriorx t1_j1t3kbb wrote

A roommate invited some Korean friends over one night. They ended up cooking dinner.

I remember being genuinely baffled that my kitchen could produce the dishes they made. It was absolutely delicious.


Schroeder9000 t1_j1rv4d2 wrote

It is, I've been to South Korea and My wife is South Korean ... Korean food is sooo good I gained 10lbs while visiting her family in South Korea for 2 weeks.


bel_esprit_ t1_j1tbh8j wrote

Korean BBQ is popular here in LA (where we have a large Korean community called Koreatown)


Proof_Eggplant_6213 t1_j1tznub wrote

It is really tasty food. Highly recommend you find a Korean BBQ joint and try some!