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hackulator t1_j11nqxb wrote

Can we maybe make some actual policy changes that will make a difference and place the onus on corporations for environmental change where it belongs instead of near meaningless optic-based policies that will mostly just make life mildly more annoying for average people?


jikkler t1_j1266ge wrote

I feel like you could comment this on every news story about "progressive" Canadian legislation in the past 8 years.


SilverNicktail t1_j127neo wrote

You realise that plastic bags, takeout containers, etc are fossil fuel products, right? Aside from plastic pollution being an obvious environmental issue visible to anyone walking down any side street anywhere, it's one more chip in the oil wall.

On top of that, the ban this year is for companies, not consumers. It is a domestic production and import ban. The consumer purchase ban is next year. So you're completely off on that, too.


hackulator t1_j12r13k wrote

Any policy that are changing what end user consumers can do are basically meaningless.


SuaveMofo t1_j131vbv wrote

You can't want to have a cleaner, healthier environment and still get plastic straws and containers. There are and will be sacrifices we are all going to have to make.


OneMisterSir101 t1_j13mwor wrote

Completely missing their point. They're not saying we don't have to make sacrifices. They're saying that policy that targets end-users only addresses a very small part of the problem while at the same time making the most apparently visible change.


SilverNicktail t1_j151f2d wrote

The ban coming into effect today is for producers and importers, not end users.


AngryKrumpet t1_j18rhvm wrote

People never understand how banning single-use plastics is worth it...they never seem to consider the emissions produced solely from producing these products.


SilverNicktail t1_j12wxdb wrote

Utter nonsense. By that logic an ICE car sales ban would do nothing to reduce emissions. Never mind that the end-user purchase ban comes in next year, and you've completely skipped over the ban being introduced today, which is a domestic manufacturing and import ban. You know, one aimed at the companies producing the products? "Placing the onus on corporations?"


hackulator t1_j14titc wrote

And see here is the thing: that ban WOULD do almost nothing, because there are single container ships which produce more emissions than an entire country worth of cars.


SilverNicktail t1_j150je0 wrote

[Citation needed]

Here's one for you: 75% of transport emissions come from road vehicles:

I know it's illegal to admit you're wrong on the Internet, but maybe if someone points out you're wrong, just pulling shit out of your ass isn't the best way to take in that information.

Not that any of this changes the point that you skipped over this ban being aimed at corporations first and misrepresented it as something that exclusively targets consumers. That was the actual point being addressed.


Hizjyayvu t1_j10ol3a wrote

It's a necessary step in the right direction. Although I will say I miss getting plastic bags for my groceries because I would use them at home as garbage bags for my kitchen. Sounds cheap, and it is, but those weren't "single use" for me.


NaveekDarkroom t1_j10v8xv wrote

I always did the same. That's my only grievance about this move.


Alwaysunder_thegun t1_j10vk9p wrote

I use probably more plastic now because I have to buy stronger bags.


Publick2008 t1_j117egz wrote

You do. Garbage bags are a high gage plastic. When Australia banned single use plastic bags the overall use of plastic increased. This is why a proper life cycle analysis of bags should be the deciding factor for policy and not optics.


ChadSexman t1_j11a6nn wrote

I thought the same but for me personally, I’d use 1 of every 5 bags for garbage. The other four would be balled up and stuffed under the sink for “when I run out of bags”.


Zerfallen t1_j147kx1 wrote

I get paper bags at the shops instead (also from Amazon) and i just put my garbage in those... The bags didn't need to be plastic.


aphasial t1_j120176 wrote

This is not uplifting news to anyone who likes their straws to be useful, or thinks thin (i.e., will degrade quicker than the thick ones) plastic bags are more environmentally friendly -- which they are by virtually every metric.


Shadonir t1_j11kf1x wrote

on one hand good on the other, i hate paper straws, I'd rather just use no straw


N0CONTACT t1_j122do4 wrote

This is a nice thing but go to any grocery store and realize how many single use plastics are involved.


ProtectionOne2726 t1_j12t5d5 wrote

Why is the straw single use but not the lid?


38563856 t1_j130two wrote

Because no one thought to shove a plastic lid up a turtle's nose yet. 😉


r_sarvas t1_j121wrw wrote

I so want to see a Trailer Park Boys episode where try to make money smuggling bendy strays.


Moonza79 t1_j13f421 wrote

We have just done this in Australia, all it seems to have done is create a market for heavier, thicker plastic products that you can supposedly use over and over again, but in reality get tossed in the bin. We do have some straws made from cane sugar that are much better than paper ones though.


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amitrion t1_j12vgwy wrote

Good riddance...


Ueladee t1_j1132oz wrote

Canadian priorities, 2022. Let the black market commence!


NateShaw92 t1_j11ix1n wrote

Such a strawman.

It isn't I just wanted to make that horrible pun.