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VeldinNtG t1_j0qr5zo wrote

You just abandon your pets when they run off into forests or off your property? Nothing could go wrong right?


muhaski t1_j0quezp wrote

Yes that's what county dogs do. They live on 6 acres.


Exodus111 t1_j0qxdwa wrote

Yeah thats pretty normal.

Dogs run off, but they'll hear you when you shout and come running back eventually.


VeldinNtG t1_j0t9vbh wrote

Well trained dogs do, or perhaps only to people who trained them well. I find it pretty believable these girls shouted the dog's name, and then decide to follow when the dog didn't return. I don't know why it's such a wild concept that two kids didn't know the proper recall method the dog was trained on and decided to follow the dog instead of just do absolutely nothing. Remember, these are kids!


oberon t1_j0r26vk wrote

I'm sorry, do you have a dog? They come back home on their own.


VeldinNtG t1_j0t9ytk wrote

Do you say that every time you see a missing dog poster in your neighborhood? Would you expect that to be the first thought in a little kid's mind?