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threeleggedgirl t1_iz0jvyy wrote

Ooo that makes sense! I'm legally blind and my prescription is -18.00, so I have a similar thing where if I want contacts they have to be like.... Special made for my eyes, because normal contacts would be too heavy or dry on my eyes. Once you're working at the extremes, precision becomes tricky without ideal conditions lol.


Dalbergia12 t1_iz0q70p wrote

The big problem for most folks is twofold.

First they wait till they are as deaf as a stump before they try to get help. If you can't remember what year you last heard a mosquito ?? And you never wake up to the sound of birds or even the neighbour's snow blowers anymore you already really need hearing aides. And if you wait till you are very old and a bit confused you will never learn how to use them.

And second of course is paying 3 times what is reasonable, is very hard to do on a fixed income. (this is of course the main reason folks put off getting them when they start to need them)

My MIL is 96, confused and is technically not quite stone deaf, but she can barely use them and got soaked for $7000 -more than 3 times what I paid!