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elixier t1_ix12ckh wrote

Ok let heroin addicts inject their way to the grave, after all, its their bodies :DDDDD


srkad t1_ix1419t wrote

Do you go out to all the homeless people and yell at them for injecting heroin or do your mind your own business and move on?


elixier t1_ix155c9 wrote

I support volunteer groups that try and get people off the streets, just like I would support campaigns trying to help curb obesity. Its fucking insane how saying "I don't support people dying from heroin overdoses" leads you to saying "Do you yell at them then?!?!". Americans in a nutshell lol

I don't go out insulting fat people, but when people say "being fat is perfectly fine and you can be very healthy whilst being huge and you gotta respect that, and you look just as pretty too" then no I don't support that message. You can surely rub those 2 braincells together and see the difference right?

If someone is fat but gets the issue with it and just lives their life, then its not like I have any power or say over their life, since they know its an issue themselves. But when people lie and maybe convince other people who could start a weight loss journey to essentially not bother because being fat is fine then that's not good at all.


jabberwockgee t1_ix24h94 wrote

I might get annoyed if famous people got on their bullhorn to spout 'high and beautiful' rhetoric.

Or should we encourage that too? 🤔