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[deleted] t1_iw2tyrc wrote

Seems like you care about the economy and not the earth.


[deleted] t1_iw2xri1 wrote



myDooM_ t1_iw2yxap wrote

He's an American, what did you expect? They love judging everyone else, while they live in comfort. Look at him go, in the echo-chamber that is /r/Ukraine, cheering at Europeans killing each other. "SeEmS LikE YoU CAre ABout The EcOnomy AnD Not The EaRth" written from his sweat-shop-made iPhone, no doubt.


[deleted] t1_iw30ng4 wrote

Yes i care about america being #1, why wouldn’t i?

But also the earth is fucked and shouldn’t really be more fuckity fucked.

I am also pro green and anti fossil fuels, and have argued we should even here in the USA, live uncomfortably in order to save the planet.

Duly fuck off.


myDooM_ t1_iw31b05 wrote

Why would anyone even bother discussing something with you, geez.

Go play your videogames, little clown 🤡


[deleted] t1_iw31guf wrote

Keep using whataboutism to do bad and tell yourself you’re the good guys.

Littler clown 🤡


[deleted] t1_iw31yvk wrote



[deleted] t1_iw32jyo wrote

YeS I bEliEVe wE’Re In A mOvIe wHerE pLaCes lIkE BrAziL cAn fUrtHeR fUcK tHe PlAnEt, fAcE nO cRitIciSm bEcAusE aMeriCa bAd, aNd yEt WiLl sAvE tHe dAy, Happy endings right.


[deleted] t1_iw32zz7 wrote



[deleted] t1_iw33hcs wrote

So who gets to judge developing countries?

And give an example of a developing country caring for their economy and the planet’s health.

And tell me why brazil shouldn’t be?

Edit: Especially when countries like america have high degrees of earth sciences that can pinpoint wtf is going wrong.


[deleted] t1_iw34oj2 wrote



[deleted] t1_iw359pw wrote

I have, i have literally complained that this earth is fucked because americans half ass solutions to problems. I am american. I want us to live as a country in discomfort for saving the planet.

I would shrink, i would destroy our economy if it meant saving the planet, if necessary.

Truly you don’t really know who you’re talking to, if science says chopping down the amazon is catastrophic to earth, then yea, even poor people trying to make a living can be bad people.

Who gives a fuck about my economy or yours. This earth is dying.


ArchFeather626 t1_iw39nuf wrote

Thier entire argument is "you got yours so I deserve to get mine" without acknowledging what "getting yours" really means. We destroyed our natural environment to "make a living" and now our shit is gone and the next people to fill our shoes will have nothing left to take. The people of the Amazon still have something left to preserve for their future and this guy is whining because he needs to pursue a life of greed to feel like the score is even. News Flash Brazilians, you still have time to protect your future, we don't. We get to sit in our slowly spiraling neo-fuedal greed pile of a society slowly tearing ourselves apart and look at photos of what we used to have. You still have forests and millions of acres of beautiful landscapes filled with incredible biodiversity and life. I get to feel excited when I see a possum or raccoon because there are so few animals left here. Make a living doing something that helps the Earth so that your children's children's children can look at us all and laugh at our stupidy rather than not live at all


[deleted] t1_iw3ah1p wrote

Literally our coasts are fucked, where i live will be flooded in 50 years. Uninhabitable.

The earth is fucked, i’m tired of people that think because we got to fuck ourselves, that it’s okay for them to fuck where they live.

And why? Because we’re american. Seemingly we don’t get to complain about their nation doing wrong, but everyone gets to complain about america!


myDooM_ t1_iw39ybk wrote

You are a true brave redditor, I am in awe.

What an inspiration! Maybe the most heroic virgin on reddit?

Please teach me.


[deleted] t1_iw3aq6q wrote

Thank you for being a grown up.

Brazil doesn’t get to cut down a vital forrest to the planet, affecting neighboring countries and the world with 0 criticism.

Get gud.