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moal09 t1_iuodbxw wrote

Baby steps. It'll happen eventually.
The young generation already doesn't give a shit if people are gay.


beebopcola t1_iuqwnjc wrote

Not even remotely true.


Common_Art826 t1_iurkcpv wrote

i think its a little true atleast in my experience as a young gay person, people care so little sometimes that it makes me cry from joy. but also theres definitely still some homophobia especially in men for some reason but otherwise noone cares if u wanna kiss ur own gender aslong as its not them yknow yknow


beebopcola t1_iut1q27 wrote

Homophobia (not even casual but straight kinda disdain or fear) was weirdly common in Japan last time i was over there, and i talked to some people about it... its even in the young ones, too. was weird to see because here they absolutely don't care as much.


Zeronality t1_iurvnff wrote

They don't make it their personality trait, like in the west, but they do care
