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floralfemmeforest t1_iuohuws wrote

>10 years ago here in my country we had snow in winter. Now it's barely cold

If that is true it would be unlikely that it's caused by global warming... the climate doesn't operate on that kind of time scale.


Strider2126 t1_iuojyan wrote

Then i really don't know what to think. I am talking about europe italy

Many think exactly like me

If there are 27°c outside in november and it's not global warming then what is it?


mousemoji t1_iupppzc wrote

It’s the same here and I’m from the states…when I was a child it would sometimes snow on Halloween and today the forecast for next week is in the 70 degree Fahrenheit range


floralfemmeforest t1_iusq9s8 wrote

I'm in Oregon and we rarely get snow - usually just once or twice a year almost always in January or February, and we have snow predicted for next week on November 9th.