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nothxshadow t1_iss1pto wrote

what? A hearing aid does not tear your ear drums.


kadinshino t1_istmahw wrote

I kindly will say your incorrect. If the venting of the hearing aid is not correct, it can cause back pressure on the drum causing it to rupture under certain frequency’s. Remember unlike headphones you wear these nearly 24/7

There’s multiple factors on why this can happen. My dad had proliferation of the ear drum so with the cheaper hearing aids it was causing worsening damage.

This is why it’s important not to skip the audiologist part of getting hearing aids. Also why low quality and cheep ones can be problematic


nothxshadow t1_istpb38 wrote

> if the venting is not correct

Bruh did it get suctioned into his ear or what?

Sounds like the biggest pile of horseshit.