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[deleted] t1_irj8wwp wrote



stillcallinoutbigots t1_irjzyfh wrote

Just went through your history trying to figure out what type of troll you are. I got good news for you and bad news for you.

The good news is you’re not a troll. The bad news is you might be bipolar. If you’re able to you should look into seeing a psychiatrist for a diagnosis if you haven’t already.

Take your medication even when you don’t want to, you’ll be happier and more stable in the long run.


patienceisfun2018 t1_irkcrie wrote


[deleted] t1_irkg39t wrote



[deleted] t1_irkj81v wrote



SJ_RED t1_irk5m47 wrote

Have you ever heard about the Backfire Effect? Keep going, the militant veganism is working out just great for you so far.