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Vegan_Harvest t1_ir4l7t6 wrote

Well... everyone in the EU.


ErichOdin t1_ir4lga9 wrote

The EU is a huge market.

Producing separately for the entire EU would be more expensive than just making it a world wide standard for most products / companies.

You may want to Google how many EU standards have been rolled out to the US and other countries over the years.


johansugarev t1_ir4yt90 wrote

Yes, we’re a huge market. We love to share but how are we going to make due with one single charger?!


Cat-Is-My-Advisor t1_ir5vchy wrote

EU going to set the standard for a lottery system, to choose who is next in line to charge phone


sortaHeisenberg t1_ir5rmsl wrote

Buy multiple.


Rourne t1_ir5sxo3 wrote

The joke was that there’d be one physical charger for the entire EU to share


GrandOpener t1_ir52r1r wrote

The most relevant counter-example is how iPhones have already had different sim slot configurations for different regions. Or cell modems that match different frequencies in different regions. Apple in particular—because everyone knows we’re talking about Apple here—has enough of a market that non-EU lightning could definitely be worth it if they decide there is some compelling reason for it.

I hope they don’t, but it’s not something we can rule out at this point.


vasya349 t1_ir7oev9 wrote

SIM slots are easier to change than power/data ports no? They’d also have to redo internal wiring and interfaces for every single one of their products that take lightning rather than just phones.


Omnicide103 t1_ir50h60 wrote

Brussels Effect! Just happened to be covering this in uni right now :)


cometlin t1_ir7v404 wrote

Micro-USB charging port was also a result of EU regulations iirc. Before that Nokia phones alone has 200 different charging port and earphones plug standards


burid00f t1_ir5xzf0 wrote

Just like my home state of California, being in a big market essentially spills over to markets worldwide due to the big corporations not wanting to have different standards in different areas.

Every good move I see in big markets ensures the whole world will eventually follow.