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Berubara t1_ir4ep17 wrote

Glad to hear this. I was in Slovenia for a week a few years ago and everyone I met was quite conservative and I kept thinking if it was the norm or if I just happened to meet certain types of people. I even had a young tour guide go off on a big anti EU rant at me.


roger-great t1_ir4rkml wrote

Man you had to be in some really wrong circles to come to that conclusion.


DigitalZeth t1_ir51ahy wrote

It depends what parts of Slovenia you're in, but it's also worth considering that the Slovenian far-left is comically similar to American far right. A lot of them are anti-vaccine and anti-lockdowns, they are pro-russian and anti EU/NATO.

We call them tankies because their fascination with communism is more revolved around stalinism.

Regardless, I do think you were unlucky though because it's not really the norm. Unless you go out in the countryside, you're more likely to find progressive youth than far left or far right anomalies.