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Spire_Citron t1_jdk1x7y wrote

I live in Australia and it's funny to me that we're known for our dangerous wildlife when other places have things like coyote packs and bears. I'll take a snake or spider over that any day.


SereniteeF t1_jdm008y wrote

Snakes and spiders are small (ok, not ALL of them, and there.. ok, not often) and can be anywhere. I’ve never seen a bear or coyote pack in my house or garage..


Mandalore108 t1_jdm37xt wrote

Disagreed, a snake and spider can get in anywhere and are sometimes poisonous. Coyotes and bears are more rare and often times cowards that will avoid humans.


Spire_Citron t1_jdmfz2v wrote

Maybe it's just what I fear. My cat's been bitten by a brown snake and that would have killed him without treatment, and it's something I have to worry about him getting into again every time he gets out, yet I'd be way more fearful of a pack of coyotes trying to hunt him.