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yogo t1_jdbhrlh wrote

It can be really hard to tell the difference between representation and disability porn. I also have bad scoliosis and initially felt triggered too. This doll just doesn’t capture the disfiguring pain and physical features but then again I’m not sure how plastic is supposed to show that. At any rate, I get you.


friedlock68 t1_jdc4ers wrote

Uhhh.. disability porn?


yogo t1_jdcsjz4 wrote

It describes the voyeuristic nature and exploitation; has nothing to with sex. Sorry for the confusion.


awholedamngarden t1_jddmo31 wrote

A lot of people find disabled people “inspiring” in a way that is pretty objectifying


AndroidwithAnxiety t1_jdcsmis wrote

Depictions of disability that don't go further than the aesthetics / surface level idea of what that condition is, and that fail to actually represent disability in a meaningful (or respectful) way.

I.e: a doll with scoliosis has a back brace but no other elements of scoliosis, reducing and sanitizing the condition down to an accessory.