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ChosenSCIM t1_jdb5oo6 wrote

I have scoliosis too and uh, wtf are you talking about? Are you gatekeeping scoliosis? What is wrong with you?


ringobob t1_jdca8xo wrote

Gatekeeping? A doll? The doll doesn't actually have scoliosis, you know that, right? It's representing something. In your mind, is this a good, effective representation? In the original commenter's opinion, it's not. They have reasonable reasons why they think that. If you disagree, feel free to make a counter point about why it is good representation. But gatekeeping this is not.


ChosenSCIM t1_jdcscry wrote

Counter point, original poster is a child having a tantrum over a doll not looking the same as them. This is stupid, I shouldn't have to argue against a massive amount of insanity like this.


ringobob t1_jdcugjc wrote

They don't care about the doll. They care about a company trying to cash in on their disability.

And if it doesn't look like them, what, exactly, is the point?


ChosenSCIM t1_jdcvfhp wrote

The point is money. All companies want all the money and will cash in on everything that they can. There is nothing special about this doll or having scoliosis.


ringobob t1_jdcxt3d wrote

And you don't think it's OK to complain about having your disability exploited for money?


ChosenSCIM t1_jdd7gxs wrote

This is what equality looks like. People who use braces are represented in dolls now. It's a small thing that barely matters, but this is a push on the right direction.

I don't want to be treated like some kind of other group. Having a brace for scoliosis is not something that should be shunned or put on a pedestal.

I want corporations to treat me like everyone else. As a wallet for them to exploit.

The person who wrote the original comment sounds like they want pity for their condition. Pity is for losers. I don't let any of my disabilities define me and I despise people like that.


ringobob t1_jddmcxm wrote

So now no one gets to complain about being exploited for money? This is a good thing?


ChosenSCIM t1_jdehjyd wrote

This particular and exact situation is a good thing. If you want to twist my words and make it sound stupid, then go ahead. My point is that no grown adult should be getting their panties in a twist over a doll with a brace.


Elfere t1_jdb6ki5 wrote

I'm happy your scoliosis is so minor that you don't know what I'm talking about. Truly.

Whats wrong with me is I have debilitating scoliosis. Obviously. And this girl looks normal aside from the brace.


Amiibohunter000 t1_jdbrtei wrote

“Fuck you bc you’re not as fucked up as me”

That’s what you sound like


Livid-Ad4102 t1_jdcr6yw wrote

"How could they just put this barbie in a wheelchair and have her legs look normal when mine are crushed and mangled?? That's not real representation of people with lower body disabilities!"

"How could they just take the lower half of barbies arm to represent amputees when my arm was amputated at the shoulder? I'm glad your amputation was so minor that you don't know what I'm talking about"

These are fun would you like another?

I know they're not perfect comparisons but I had fun