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mcnello t1_jcxsnnw wrote

It may not actually be an effective substitute for real medical care/treatment but it will generate publicity and may translate into more votes for team blue, so it must be a win for overall society, right?


tinaxbelcher t1_jcyirj6 wrote

Studies have been done before on racists who watched a show with a main character as a person of color. And the results were there. After watching the show, the subjects were more accepting of people of color because they found a way to identify with the character. They found that it's a first step in sympathizing with an "outgroup". This is a great example of the benefits of parasocial relationships. With the way media is ingrained in our society, this is a step in the right direction in terms of normalizing mental health issues.


PigeonsArePopular t1_jcy59wh wrote

I fear that is how the thinking goes - window dressing like this somehow manifests robust public policy (decades later?)


mero8181 t1_jcy78i0 wrote

Yes, exactly. Or until people start to actually vote for and care about the bodies of government that can actually make changes. The house and Senate are the 2 most powerful bodies, yet people think the president can wave a wand and boom we have universal healthcare.