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Thornescape t1_jbp9ogo wrote

There needs to be laws put in place so that these atrocities will never happen again. Held and tortured without any vague concept of "due process" for decades. This is atrocious.

I thought that Gitmo had been closed years ago. I'm appalled that it's only being closed down now.


BuffaloInCahoots t1_jbrft3e wrote

I’m pretty sure there’s are laws in place but who’s going to enforce laws against the US government when they don’t want to answer for what they are doing.


Thornescape t1_jbrghax wrote

There needs to be new laws within the USA to make sure this doesn't happen again. International laws would be nice as well to at least add pressure. Both would be best.


BuffaloInCahoots t1_jbrhpwc wrote

That’s like saying murder is illegal but people still kill each other, we need new anti murder laws. They can write all the laws they want, there’s not a single group on earth that can hold the US accountable. Any group that could would not want to because then the same would happen to them.


[deleted] t1_jbrqpma wrote

This illegal prison should have never opened to begin with. Stop occupying Cuba!


PorkStroganoff t1_jbqtpqu wrote

Good !!!!

Free all prisoners, close this illegal prison and return the illegally occupied territory of Guantanamo to Cuba.


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Supertho t1_jboi43p wrote

An expert bomb maker who hates America and was involved with 9-11. How is this uplifting news?


EffeteTrees t1_jbosv1l wrote

Guantanamo needs to be emptied out. That prison is hypocritical to US values & and a total waste of money- how many prisoners are left there? 20 something? A whole overseas military prison complex for 20-30 aging afghan/Pakistani/Arab prisoners who’ve been in solitary for 20 years.

There are plenty of other military prisons, they’re just inconveniently located in countries. Lawyer up and deal with it. That’s my rant. Close gitmo.


farox t1_jbojn42 wrote

That someone is working on closing gitmo


BagisBerra t1_jbp3dpy wrote

So why was he then not procecuted, made stand trial and sentenced if you have the evidence? You know, rule of law.


sciolisticism t1_jbpb5qc wrote

This is the thing.

If he was involved in 9-11, prosecute him and put him in a normal jail forevermore.

The fact that we invented a gap in reality where we can stuff people for literally decades without a trial is a travesty.


BagisBerra t1_jbpn4b7 wrote

Innocent until proven guilty. If he's guilty, then throw his ass in jail. Death penalty. What ever. But if he's not, then lock him up at a secret location in a dictatorship country I guess. No trial. No representation. No rights.

I love the US, but this reflects poorly on you I am afraid. This is beneath you. Be better. Do better. Lead by example. Or be less surprised when people hate America.


sciolisticism t1_jbpt59d wrote

The people who find this repugnant probably aren't surprised when people hate America.

The people who see no problem with Gitmo probably don't care why people hate America.


Tobias_Atwood t1_jbq7hs8 wrote

>The people who see no problem with Gitmo probably don't care why people hate America.

They'll loudly cry and gnash their teeth about how anyone could think we aren't the best that ever existed but when you start listing reasons why we aren't the best they throw an even bigger toddler tantrum before stomping off to rage binge more fox news.


BagisBerra t1_jbptonx wrote

Good point. I think that today, when we have authoritarian leaders in countries like China and russia committing terrible crimes against humanity, it is more important than ever to hold ourselves to higher standards, the moral high ground. If we are the good guys, and they are the bad guys, then now is a good time to act like it.


i81u812 t1_jbqplu7 wrote

I am a hundred percent in agreement that this is appalling. I am 100 percent in agreement that having people detained with no due process i preposterous. I am also 100 percent over being lectured by other countries with their own atrocious nonsense going on, especially while once again the world won't take a collective shit and stand up for itself against yet another regional dictator (call Vlad what you want, they are Europe far east) who is no where near our shores, invades a European country without real cause or consequence. I won't throw shade at the people who live there with the nonsense that I 'don't WANT to hate [insert country here] but you should do this, do that. So on. It's just like - sit down we all doing the same shit across the world.


BagisBerra t1_jbs0fty wrote

I'm from Sweden, please tell me what atrocious nonsense we are doing these days? So no, we are not all doing things like this. Terror russia? Yes. They have lost their finger pointing privileges, yes. But is "look! they are doing bad shit also" the argument you wanna lead with really? That's what children say. Be better. Do better. Be that city upon a hill, the beacon of hope. So no, I won't sit down. And neither should you. Your government is capable of this. You think it won't happen to you, because you're "not like them". Well what if you're wrong. What if you find yourself wrongfully accused? What if them suddenly includes you. The term "enemy of the state" has been quite flexible historically. Stand up against injustices, including those who do not effect you. Because "them" may change. And injustice is just plain wrong.

And not to argue with you, but what I am seeing is a clear case of Europe collectively standing up against russia and their dictator, the support for Ukraine here is massive and we are sending support like never before. What I was getting at was this Gitmo guy, the Gitmo locked up guy, he probably hates. His family and friends likely too. So if you keep this shit up expect hate. Expect enemies. And my argument was that there might be a valid reason for that given the special hospitality the US have shown him. I don't hate you. But in your war on terror you are creating terrorists if you keep acting like this.

Your shores are comfortable. You have one nice and one incapable neighbor. Congratulations. That's not the European experience I am afraid. We have russia and had Germany. Less comfy.

And Happy Cake Day!


yallxtrippin t1_jbpfd8b wrote

Yeah, I doubt he knows anything he didn't tell. He's basically there to entertain the guards. Even the Nazi war criminals who killed countless got a trial or were released.

This is just dipshit culture wars/racism. Put them on trial and punish them in accordance to the law. Why waste hundreds of millions on a zoo nobody visits?