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Eswyft t1_j9tnli2 wrote

Vancouver has the same issue. They tried to go a large scale rezoning plan and there was a large push from rich residents to have it zoned like "Paris".

Paris, the thousand year old city with no real dt core and unlimited land with no geographical barriers.

Vancouver, a dt core where most business is that is a literal island and The broader area that has oceans or mountains on all 4 sides meaning it is very land restricted and there is an area that isn't even central, downtown, that is highly sought after . We've everyone river crossing requires a 15bn bridge because the rivers and ocean there are huge, unlike the over passes they have in Paris

Nimbys are cancer they got theirs, you can rot.

This from someone that lives in Paris and lives in the affected area and actually owns where that development was for, in other words I'm fine with you knocking down my neighborhood of low rises if it means fellow Canadians can actually own a home.

What nimbys have done is delay and deflect, first claiming it was foreign ownership, then landlords.

If there wasn't such scarcity, people wouldn't buy them to rent them out for profit but we're constantly at .2 percent vacancy.

Foreign ownership is taxed heavily and the money is put to affordable housing, their market share is tiny.

Also, even if you believe the first two points BUILD MORE AND FIND OUT, cuz the status quo of doing nothing isn't helping