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lindseyilwalker t1_j9asr4s wrote

I mean … it’s marketing. Since ever, if you’re going into business, you have to get the word out.


ubapook2 t1_j9atxss wrote

I still find it unsettling that this is the way we do things now, that an entire business can 100% be made or broken by a TikTok video. The idea is, as we’ve seen, that an influencer can do this same thing except with misinformation and a bad review, and a place could just go down.


lindseyilwalker t1_j9cr4ca wrote

Yeah, I understand that completely. However such a concept is not just originating now. When we revolved around newspapers more, a bad review by a trusted food columnist could have the same effect on a restaurant. I just resist the panic that things are so dramatically different with new forms of media. Same stuff, new mediums.