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ProfessorGluttony t1_j8sx9m3 wrote

Not to detract from the feel good story, but sadly best seller doesn't mean much when you dive into it. All you need is to be the best seller for any niche of the book in a week period. Mind you, you can forever claim that "new York times best seller" sticker for that book, but that is why you see so many books with it.


yeswithaz t1_j8syj4h wrote

It’s currently the #1 selling book on Amazon.


ProfessorGluttony t1_j8szj11 wrote

Cool, but the same thing happens with that. And that is not to detract from it, it is still impressive and uplifting, I'm just trying to quell what people think of when a book is a best seller. I used to think it was hundreds of thousands of books, when it might be a thousand in a short period. I'm really glad this happened and it took off the way it did, because he is likely to get more success as the social media train charges forward with it giving more eyes. I would love that to happen when I publish, but doubt it will.


yeswithaz t1_j8t820k wrote

Oh I have author friends so I know how little authors make. Just wanted to make it clear that this is a legit best-seller.


TheDovahofSkyrim t1_j8wyzal wrote

Hundreds of books if not more are released everyday. Just because because 2,000 different books might get that distinction in a year, does not mean that it’s not an absolutely amazing milestone for someone to hit.