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Emotional_Parsnip_69 t1_j7u158w wrote

They said it was a path to citizenship to go to war. Like how long ago this country gave the deal of if you’re a slave and fight and live for a certain amount of time you can have your freedom. Military and government here have always used recruiting as a predatory practice to get people who desperately need help to basically volunteer their lives for some prize at the end and they hope the people die before they come calling for what they’re owed.


360walkaway t1_j7uvjl0 wrote

Same for Japanese men who were interned during WW2... "hey we're going to jail you for no real goddamn reason at all but if you join our army and you don't die in the process, you can get your freedom!"


gechu t1_j7vb5p1 wrote

Sounds like Wagner... shudder