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phish_biscuit t1_j72xlp1 wrote

I think shrooms aren't the way to go I remember being told the effect of shrooms depends entirely on your mood and of you're going through some serious shit the trip will be actual hell


damclean37 t1_j73bome wrote

That is the attitude that politicians and lawmakers have had for decades; it can be used incorrectly so ban it.

By legalising it, the dose can be provided in a controlled environment with the correct therapy.


TopofTheTits t1_j73jubf wrote

Eh, kind of. In my experience, you'd have to take a hell of a lot of shrooms to see some crazy shit. Microdosing won't (or shouldn't) make you see anything or have a bad trip at all.


Perryj054 t1_j74rf6h wrote

Mushrooms produce a profound experience and regardless of whether it's pleasant it's beneficial in the long run because it exposes you to parts of yourself that you were trying to ignore. If you've been a full blown alcoholic for a decade and then do a bunch of mushrooms you may have a very uncomfortable experience being forced to face the fact that you are responsible for your own suffering. However that experience may be the end of your alcoholism and you may lead a much more pleasant life afterwards. This actually happens all the time.


FelidOpinari t1_j73zib6 wrote

Set and Setting. ”Set and Setting refer to the internal and external factors that influence your psychedelic experience. “Set” is a reflection of your inner climate—your mood, personality, beliefs, perceptions, and so on. “Setting” refers to all that’s going on outside, such as the people around you and their behaviors, the music playing, the smells and weather in the air, even the cultural forces that aren’t as readily visible.””

If you’re going through a hard time but manage your set and setting mushrooms could be very beneficial.