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[deleted] t1_is57ti0 wrote

Capital Grille, Blackstones, Fish. I'd steer clear of Harbor Point unless you want to deal with club kids


gandazgul t1_is5amo9 wrote

I second Capital Grille I've always had an amazing experience there. Now I have to try the other 2 suggestions :)


Ok_Purpose6747 OP t1_is5ijax wrote

Thanks all. Booked Prime


ruthless_apricot t1_is5tyj3 wrote

You won't be disappointed! I'd even ask for a window seat as well if you want to impress even more. Make sure the clients are facing looking out towards the sound.


bringmeyourgold t1_is5owr2 wrote

Go to Chez Vous, sit at the bar, get steaks frites and bottle of St. Emillion, chocolate mousse and brandy for dessert. Perfect evening. Cap Grille is fine but it won’t surprise anyone. Chez vous has some charm and they do steak frites well. Get fancy wine and for god sakes don’t skip the chocolate mousse at the end it’s the best in the city.


sld06003 t1_is6xbcw wrote

I love chez Vous. What you described sounds like a great date.odd for a client meeting.


Athrynne t1_is5awxe wrote

Prime or the Capital Grille, both excellent steakhouses.


AviratG t1_is5ihd0 wrote

Prime is the best. We’ve done multiple client dinners there and everyone loved it.


bluejams t1_is6014a wrote

Prime, Capital grill or maybe The Wheel depending on the vibe of the client.


Massive_Wash_9528 t1_is8f3vx wrote

Prime is a great move, would have also suggested Cafe Sylvium!