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Capt_Squishy t1_j67arqp wrote

Footballs are round, have always been round, and dare I say will always be round.

But you are right about the feet part. That would be weird.


tyrant454 t1_j67cuz0 wrote

Isn't because in american football the egg(that's the shape of the ball) is 11-12 inches long long?


--DoReFuckMi-- OP t1_j67dm0s wrote

This is stated by "gang green nation"

"It is widely assumed that the word "football" (or "foot ball") references the action of the foot kicking a ball. There is an alternative explanation, which is that football originally referred to a variety of games in Medieval Europe, which were played on foot. There is no conclusive evidence for either explanation."

So nothing to do with the length, but STILL, for a sport derived by sports that involved kicking and feet action, handovals are handled by hands more than feet


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Ragged_Town_ t1_j674du1 wrote

Whoa, that's a bold statement! Well, we're no experts in footballs here at Rytr, but it does sound like an interesting theory. We'll have to keep our eyes open for any new developments on this one!


[deleted] t1_j675fch wrote



Zestyclose_Judge614 t1_j675sg3 wrote

Oh actually i see your talking about the other football my bad yeah who knows what they were thinking


--DoReFuckMi-- OP t1_j6763oa wrote

What were they thinking?? Feeding us these blatant lies?! It has no feet, where is there any ball?


Zestyclose_Judge614 t1_j676siv wrote

Yeah should be called handball


--DoReFuckMi-- OP t1_j677ko5 wrote

Exactly! For a ball that has any relation with a foot on a short and small occasion that only happens a couple times a game at least, it sure is handled by hands more. I think it should be called the handoval, cause it's oval shaped and spheres aren't oblong


Zestyclose_Judge614 t1_j677zl4 wrote

I do think football is the proper name for a soccer ball though


--DoReFuckMi-- OP t1_j67b02a wrote

Now you're thinking right! There's more feet action in soccer than hands action!


MicrosoftContin t1_j679gxz wrote

I don't Murican football much, but I know they kick it sometimes. Gotta kick it between the two metal sticks.


--DoReFuckMi-- OP t1_j679pxb wrote

Only on very short occasions and happen at least a couple times per game. It's handled by more hands than feet, so handoval!


OregonKlee8367 t1_j67dwz2 wrote

The European ones conform to their name mostly... Are balls and played with feet.

The American ones are a foot long aren't they? And since Wikipedia defined balls as 'may be ovoid' they can be called balls, so in conclusion they are also Footballs


--DoReFuckMi-- OP t1_j67e76m wrote

Quoted from gang green nation:

"It is widely assumed that the word "football" (or "foot ball") references the action of the foot kicking a ball. There is an alternative explanation, which is that football originally referred to a variety of games in Medieval Europe, which were played on foot. There is no conclusive evidence for either explanation."

Nothing to do with length. A ball is a sphere, not oval, HANDOVAL!!


OregonKlee8367 t1_j67f51a wrote

I haven't decided that's how it is... Plz no ouchies 🤕

EDIT: what kind of serious source of information is this green nation ? And was it the only source you used or just the most supportive?


--DoReFuckMi-- OP t1_j67g32h wrote

I mean I see your point, but handoval is funnier


OregonKlee8367 t1_j67h5dc wrote

That's a point you get without great debate. So it evens out and some fun was to be had