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timbus1234 t1_j66yufw wrote

>It's just an option for people

thats true, it is an option for people,so is rubbing chilli powder on your junk,or eating feaces, these are also valid options for people.

its just if you do these things you are mentally damaged, as are most prostitutes and also the people who pay for prostitutes.

the fact they spread disease to everyone involved is a great indication they shouldn't be doing what they're doing, also, if you are currently a prostitute and you fall in love with someone, you can look forward to giving your disease to the love of your life, what a catch 😍...


kushkatya t1_j66za1g wrote

Ah now we got to the root of the problem. Clearly someone hurt you by giving you crabs~

Go to therapy and stop making yourself look like a dumbass on a public website.


Fishtoots t1_j674hvs wrote

He’s just ravenously lonely


timbus1234 t1_j677xo8 wrote

if i was ravenously lonely, i'd pay for a prostitute, since i can easily afford one...
but i won't because if i did that id be.... an idiot....


timbus1234 t1_j66zga2 wrote

the free reddit amateur psychology sessions are great and all,
but never in my life did that ever happen,
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
