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ThatGuyGetsIt t1_j6fn58y wrote

Anyone who cares about speed won't really use a mouse unless it's the only option to do something. Mice are slow. Keyboard shortcuts are fast.

If you want a real-world example, I bet there are YouTube videos of blind people using a computer with only their keyboard and a screen reader. That'll probably give you a sense of what's possible with only a keyboard without silly movie hacker shit.


the_colonelclink t1_j6h5a07 wrote

Bingo. Before there was beautiful Graphical User Interfaces there was completely text-based operating systems. Most, if not all of the shortcuts used back in the day still remain. It is much, much quicker to use shortcuts and run commands then the time it takes to use a mouse to point and click on something. For e.g. you could click the address bar, typed your website, then click go. Or in the browser you can press Alt+D, type your website, then hit enter or shift enter (browser dependent), and your hand doesn’t even need to touch the mouse.

Not to mention, a lot of hacking is done on Linux-based operating systems. Which once again, don’t have much of a focus on a GUI.