Ragged_Town_ t1_j6bfc6y wrote
Well, it's all about perspective. For some, the age gap might be a problem, while for others it's just another number! It all comes down to what works best for the two people involved and their comfort level with the situation.
Q8DD33C7J8 t1_j6bfuug wrote
Most states have a Romero and Juliet law that allows for this issue. If your boyfriend or girlfriend is about to turn 18 and you're 16 is usually OK. If you're 18 and or of school and you seek out a barely 16 year old who's still in school then that's an issue.
Callec254 t1_j6bg28c wrote
Well, yes, there's a legal aspect to it. Most states have some variation of a "within two years" clause for that reason.
Coronazonewearmask OP t1_j6bg8ps wrote
But 16 is the age of consent, and you can become married or emancipated at 16 as well as join the army in many places.
instant_ramen_chef t1_j6bgnnm wrote
Adolescence moves so fast and with great change. 1 year holds a lot of experience and mental development. A 16yo is in a vastly different headspace than an 18yo. Think about yourself at 15, and hanging out with 13 year olds. It's only 2 years but there's a ton of difference.
wernercd t1_j6bhjwh wrote
Romeo & Juliet laws exist for a reason. 3 years is a reasonable gap at that age (15 and 18. 16 and 19. 17 and 20).
Riverrat423 t1_j6bhrzv wrote
What if someone socially matures a little slower that others. Like an 18 year old who is less experienced sexually than a 16 or 17 year old.
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