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DitaVonPita t1_j2dcf8q wrote

What I'm gonna say is quite blunt, but... That's because nobody is trying to feminize/sexualize baby clothing, while womens clothing is automatically made to make us more sexually appealing, often removing pockets to accentuate curves or avoiding hiding them. We don't have back pockets because it makes our asses look malformed, don't have front pockets so that our hips don't look bulky. None of this is a concern with babies. And in all honesty, imo, it shouldn't be with women either. If she doesn't want the pocket to bulge she can just keep it empty. 🤦


Etzlo t1_j2dj8yo wrote

>That's because nobody is trying to feminize/sexualize baby clothing,

If only, babies clothing for girls is sexualized to hell and back


DitaVonPita t1_j2djplo wrote

That's upsetting to hear. I honestly am not acquainted with the practice. ☹️