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Kevjamwal t1_iy759pf wrote

7 a year in the US. Is .019 deaths per day “a lot” by any definition?

Read a fucking book, “kiddo”


KamiComi t1_iy7d7wh wrote

Could be, depends what you're comparing it to. Maybe think about what you're writing before you hit 'enter', KIDDO. "By any definition", yes 7 can be a lot. It's a lot compared to 1. It's a lot compared to 0.000000000000001. Take your own advice, brainlet.


Kevjamwal t1_iy89ork wrote

Thanks, I know how numbers work. It’s seven a YEAR. Again, learn to read.

Commenter said spiders kill “a lot of people every day,” specifically when compared to cats. Yearly there are around 66,000 hospital emergency visits from cats, and in 2009 there were 300 cases of rabies from cat bites. Rabies being fatal, that means spiders kill only 2% of what cats cause.

So no, it’s not a fucking lot.


KamiComi t1_iy98utk wrote

You know how numbers work but not words? "By any definition" (those 2 little marks on either side of those words indicates a QUOTE i.e. verbatim what you said) means that 7 can be a lot.Also rabies doesn't exist here so that would likely bring the total from 7 per year down to zero. You could say "by any definition" that is not a lot and you'd actually be right for once in this thread lol


Kevjamwal t1_iy9cmvw wrote

Oh my fucking god you dumb illiterate fuck. 7. Per. Year. Commenter said “a lot per day.” Get it right. It’s not that hard.

And no, “by any definition” doesn’t mean a word ceases to have objective meaning, or that it just means whatever you want it to mean. It’s a common expression meaning “by any valid interpretation of the word.” Deaths by spider per day being less than .02, that is not a valid interpretation of “a lot.” A synonym for “lot” is “batch.” Imagine you had some crumbs from a cookie, roughly totaling 2% the weight of a full cookie. Would you look at those crumbs and say, “oh look a batch of cookies!” Maybe you would, being a fucking crazy person.

Also you living somewhere without rabies has no bearing on worldwide deaths by cat, which is what we were talking about.