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PixieBear05 t1_iy7j5s7 wrote

And a biology teacher is a bunch of organs explaining what organs are


airen977 t1_iy7lh5n wrote

Explaining what organs are to a bigger bunch of organs


Doom7331 t1_iy8zokj wrote

*to a bunch of smaller bunches of organs


phred_666 t1_iy8qdv8 wrote

So I guess I’m both…. Have taught both chemistry and biology for over 30 years.


MemeWaff t1_iy7ixi8 wrote

And a physics teacher is a bunch of atoms explaining how atoms work.


Garrison1999 t1_iy8av00 wrote

And an economics teacher is a bunch of atoms explaining how a bunch of atoms behave in situations of scarcity.


B9f4zze t1_iy8rwnt wrote

Gym teacher is a bunch of particles doing laps


cindybubbles t1_iy7k78h wrote

And chemistry students are bunches of atoms learning what atoms are.


LilyLeLowery t1_iy7unxc wrote

It’s also a bunch of atoms making meth out of atoms and selling it to other atoms for atoms that’s considered currency because the chemistry teacher atoms have a lot of sick atoms in their longs growing faster than the other atoms in the body meaning the chemistry teacher atoms won’t be an alive much longer so they have to get as many currency atoms for their family atoms before they’re dead atoms.


RandomDudeOn-Reddit1 t1_iy7z9s9 wrote



mansnothot69420 t1_iy8063d wrote

Electrons rushing through your nerves as you touch your capacitive screen which is also made of atoms to type the word "Waltuh".


finneyblackphone t1_iy80ann wrote

Hydrogen is a colourless, odorless gas, which if left alone in large enough quantities, for long enough, will begin to think about itself.


Bipogram t1_iy8j043 wrote

And we can estimate the mass needed and timescale for thought to occur.


DresdenPI t1_iy93sef wrote

I prefer "Hydrogen is a gas which, if left alone for long enough in large enough quantities, will eventually start posting cute pictures of animals on the internet"


Hellguin t1_iy7xd1f wrote

And a Psychology teacher is a brain telling other brains how they work.


Aquamarooned t1_iy8kzh3 wrote

And a philosophy professor is a brain telling brains why they exist


DresdenPI t1_iy945td wrote

"The human brain is the coolest, most complex, and most important thing in the universe."

  • signed, The Human Brain

TaHiR_B t1_iy7ydqj wrote

Your butthole is a bunch of atoms excreting a bunch of atoms.


Tristanhx t1_iy80ua3 wrote

You are about 6.5 octillion atoms working together to be you.


TraptorKai t1_iy875h3 wrote

A cosmology teacher is the universe experiencing itself explaining itself


Tesla9518 t1_iy83c8r wrote

Someone who thinks we live in a simulation is a bunch of atoms telling you those atoms don't exist


ACacophonyOfParrots t1_iy89jqu wrote

Strictly speaking, that's a physics teacher. Chemistry teachers are only concerned with what the electrons in the outer shell of the atoms do.


JustMy10Bits t1_iy8b4f9 wrote

A bunch of atoms stacked on top of each other wearing a hat and jacket.


bla2967 t1_iy80vu8 wrote

You’re a bunch of atoms explaining that a chemistry teacher is a bunch of atoms explaining what atoms are.


BlkWhtOrangeStripe t1_iy81dj0 wrote

A history teacher is a culmination of the past explaining the past.


darthsexium t1_iy847jq wrote

I am composed of atoms reading on my atoms of a phone while holding it with my atoms hand


Hypothesis_Null t1_iy8jkr1 wrote

"After a while, Hydrogen starts to wonder what it is, and where it is going. "


j-alex t1_iy8lk5m wrote

Hard not to be reminded of Bisson’s “They’re Made Out Of Meat,” which is still a great one-pager.


Floridamanticus t1_iy8ms6o wrote

A human being is a bunch of atoms using a device made of a bunch of atoms to go on Reddit and explain how a bunch of atoms are explaining a bunch of atoms


CallMeFifi t1_iy8tz87 wrote

A culinary instructor is a pile of meat telling other piles of meat how to cook meat


westonriebe t1_iy83oqi wrote

And each atom has more energy inside of it than probably a whole city… that thought always blew my mind


Bipogram t1_iy8j9yi wrote

Meh. mc^2 for ten to the minus 26 kg is ten to the minus 10 joules. You'd barely notice the flash with dark adapted eyes.


HeartwarminSalt t1_iy875pp wrote

Isn’t this an analogy? The analogy I posted last week was auto-deleted for being an analogy. Does anyone know what triggers the auto-moderation?


666ygolonhcet t1_iy8v68c wrote

Not mine. 1983 and 16 year olds could smoke at school with a Smoking Pass (signed by a parent).

Our Chem teacher Chain Smoked Camels and would leave a class of hormone raging 11th graders to go to the Teachers lounge and smoke. Every day.

Did not learn 1 thing about chemistry, except how to light a camel filtered using a Bunson Burner the ‘safe way’.


user7512 t1_iy8vj11 wrote

And a neurology professor is just a brain explaining to a bunch of brains what brains are

These showerthoughts have really gone down hill. They used to make you think but not anymore. unsubbingggg


the_hotter_beyonce t1_iy8xox7 wrote

And here I am, a bunch of atoms masturbating to a bunch of photons shaped like a Tom Brady-Shrek chimera.


DanTopTier t1_iy93zm6 wrote

I use my voice sounds at certain frequencies to pass information along to my student's ear holes so they may understand that they are NOT IN TUNE


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_iy77b2i wrote

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Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

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