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David-Diron t1_iy6gtai wrote

No, I'd think they don't know what light is, but darkness they experience every day, so they would know what darkness is.


clitsdontexist t1_iy6gxbe wrote

They can conceptualize what darkness is. But without experiencing light they don’t know what dark is


David-Diron t1_iy727oh wrote

No, I think you have it reversed: they experience darkness, so they know what it is. It's light they can have no concept of. It's like your nerves constantly sending signals to your brain: you know what sensation is, so try to imagine no sensation whatsoever: you can't.


Loverboy21 t1_iy7ca61 wrote

No, bud. They don't have sight. Light, dark, whatever. They don't perceive it. At all.

Do you see darkness with your feet? Because your feet can see what a blind person's eyes can.


QutieLuvsQuails t1_iy7zsff wrote

You’re wrong. Many blind people can perceive light. If you take a blind person from a dim room and into a sunny one, they will notice. It’s just like deaf people, they don’t hear every single lyric and sound but they can definitely perceive music!


Aki_The_Ghost t1_iy8fhby wrote

I have had a case of fetal memory, where you still remember some of the times from your mother's womb. All of the imaginary descriptions of feeling warm and comfortable that I found about it on the internet were completely false in my eyes, because I only felt one thing : nothing. The concept of lift and temperature simply didn't exist, I couldn't know they existed. I just thought I was a bodyless entity looking at the void.


Loverboy21 t1_iy87le7 wrote

>t’s just like dead people, they don’t hear every single lyric and sound but they can definitely perceive music!

Yeah, no.


QutieLuvsQuails t1_iy8yaqj wrote

Um… YES. Thanks for your scholarly input. 🫠

A deaf person won the show “Dancing with the Stars” bc he could feel the music and dance to the beats.

I read his memoir. Nyle Demarco was born deaf. He could absolutely “perceive” music.


Loverboy21 t1_iy9ecu1 wrote

A. Check your spelling

B. People that are 100% blind cannot perceive light or dark.

C. Feeling vibrations is tactile, not auditory, so no, he didn't hear shit.


QutieLuvsQuails t1_iy9emgg wrote

I didn’t say they hear anything.

I said they can PERCEIVE music.

Loverboyyyyyy pay attention if you want to try and argue with me.


QutieLuvsQuails t1_iy9equb wrote

Not everyone is 100% blind and you don’t have to be 100% blind to be considered blind so yes, many legally blind people can still see light and dark.


Loverboy21 t1_iy9fgun wrote

The premise of the OP is not about partially sighted people. "Legally blind" covers a huge range of optical conditions. My father is legally blind, but his coke-bottle trifocals mean he can see as well as I can.

Which means, despite being legally blind, he aint blind.

And tactile perception has nothing to do with deafness at all, so I mean... irrelevant. If you can use a different sense to see with, lemme know.