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kyunirider t1_iy81hpf wrote

No, this is only a modern human problem, in the past our ancestors were too busy surviving to give a shit about anything so insignificant and they saw that spiders keep bugs out of the cave.


Thexin92 t1_iy8ccvw wrote

He's talking about mammals, not early humans. In ancient times, insects and spiders were of tremendous size due to a higher oxygen concentration in the atmosphere, while early mammals were the size of mice. Those days, spiders sat securely above almost all mammals in the food chain.


baumpop t1_iy8doks wrote

Shinfo side note. Venom has evolved over 20 separate times on earth.


SuperCaffeineDude t1_iy98s1e wrote

Surviving encompasses not being bitten by snakes and spiders, they might not be such a problem in north Europe, but no ones odds of survival improve playing with animals that are often venomous.