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Khal_Rhaegar t1_iy6st9o wrote

That's because politicians make the rules. The insider trading in Congress is a good example. Its almost comical the amount of obviously corrupt behavior of politicians


chumbucket77 t1_iy73zaj wrote

Haha they arent even trying to hide it anymore its insane


keirablack7 t1_iy6zq0z wrote

That's mainly because companies have the power to deliver on the promises they give, whilst singular politicians cant really make everything they say come true do to the fact they're not the sole dictator


LogicType t1_iy6u401 wrote

When you vote for someone you should make sure they are competent and trustworthy.


mynewnameonhere t1_iy6yh18 wrote

False advertising is a civil dispute between two competing businesses. You can only sue for false advertising to recoup monetary loses caused by a competitor’s false claims. As an example, you own a pizza shop and make 30” pizzas. The guy across the street who makes 20” pizzas puts up a sign that says “We have the biggest pizzas in town.” You can sue and prove they used a false claim to gain a competitive advantage. That’s what false advertising is. You as an individual or consumer can’t do shit about it.


Fake_William_Shatner t1_iy835wt wrote

While that is sort of the intent. There is a lot of precedent for people suing for false advertising because a product was not as advertised. Companies have been successfully sued for making their burgers appear giant before.


ItsOnlyaFewBucks t1_iy72ske wrote

And that needs to end, or we need to ensure our education systems produce citizens with critical thinking skills. But for some reason, once side is always trying to scrap education.


Fake_William_Shatner t1_iy83avc wrote

>or we need to ensure our education systems produce citizens with critical thinking skills.

Well yes, amen to that -- but Republicans have literally campaigned and fought against critical thinking in schools. It leads to sacrilegious people.


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_iy6plo7 wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.


AvatarofBro t1_iy6x8ql wrote

In theory, that's why elections exist. You always have another chance to throw the lying bums out. Unfortunately, due to a number of factors, including partisan gerrymandering and incumbency bias, it doesn't usually work out that way in practice.


ExternalGrade t1_iy758p7 wrote

All my post keeps getting banned on this sub-Reddit for “being political” just for slightly referencing world war 2 or a little bit of historic event and THIS post makes it through???


Fake_William_Shatner t1_iy83fot wrote

It seems this post got banned as well.

Seems like a valid topic to discuss to me however.

It's amazing the dreck that typically passes for a "shower thought."


Fake_William_Shatner t1_iy81wkj wrote

I'm sure that if politicians weren't allowed to lie, they'd be delivering a defective product. The Smoke and Mirrors company would also appreciate a hall pass as well.