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bandastalo t1_iydiyh3 wrote

There are people that ridicule folks for leaving a knife out in anticipation of making another sandwich? What people would do this?


LordRandomord t1_iydj5hk wrote

I dont leave my toothbrush out in anticipation of my next teethcleaning tho...the knife belongs in the dishwasher or if washed by hand, back in the drawer but where would you want me to put my toothbrush? Im not gonna put it in my cutlery drawer ill tell you that much.


data_grimoire t1_iydz7yt wrote

Well they do have little hooks and cups for toothbrush storage. Personally mine is just on its charging stand but I put a cup over the top of it to prevent poo particles from toilet flushes reaching it.


LordRandomord t1_iye1wlw wrote

Ohh i completely forgot bathrooms with toilets in them. I grew up with it being seperate rooms.Now i see what this is all about, thanks!


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