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ImAmandaLeeroy t1_iufnk2d wrote

Nope, we're mad at the d-wad that ran us ragged, asked for 8 free refills of soda, modded every item they ordered, and camped at the table for 2 hours and had the audacity to leave a dollar tip.

Everyone knows US restaurants work on tips, if you can't afford to or don't believe in tipping stay home and cook for yourself.


wolfONdrugs t1_iuh3l6z wrote

Only America has this problem. Non issue where I live. We gotta start paying people a livable wage, no matter the job.


ImAmandaLeeroy t1_iuhx5ew wrote

That would be nice, but America is a long way off from raising their standard of living. How would they be devicive and pit the classes against each other if there weren't clear obvious losers at the bottom to demonize?


Mr_Quackums t1_iuiuuaz wrote


Until that happens though, either tip or stay out of the restaurant.


andrewtheice t1_iuhhy8a wrote

Restaurants should just start paying their servers a livable wage so we don’t have to do it for them.


ImAmandaLeeroy t1_iuhwsua wrote

To all the twats saying restaurants should just pay a livable wage to their employees, I would just like to point out- The US federal minimum wage is only $7.25 and well below livable standards to begin with.

To think somehow restaurants would go above and beyond to support their employees when they've been getting away with giving them the barest amount is unthinkable. And if they were forced to do so, they would just pass the cost on to the customer by considerably raising the cost of menu items.

The entire federal system would have to be overhauled to ensure all hourly rates at 40 hours a week could support each individual worker to a well defined and comfortable standard of living. And it ain't gonna happen in CorpoAmerica.

So either tip your server or know you will be enjoying a nice spit sandwich once you get pegged as the stingy bitch who doesn't tip at your favorite place to haunt, you absolute ghouls.


rdmille t1_iuizbdz wrote

It's even worse than you say. The minimum wage of $7.25 does NOT affect anyone that gets tips, like a server in a restaurant. The Federal minimum for those people is $2.13/hour.

And no, it's not going to change in CorpoAmerica


ImAmandaLeeroy t1_iujlrqt wrote

Indeed, I should have specified that restaurants give lower than the most bare amount for all others who are not in the food service industry