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cha_cha_slide t1_jd3ur3k wrote

Only bad or inexperienced drivers think this way. The rest of us assume nothing and trust only what we know to be true.


Seeker_Of_Knowledge- t1_jd4yt4g wrote


Whenever I reach an intersection, I most of the time have my foot on the break. Even when I see someone that will join the road from the right or left I put my foot on the break and be ready for it.

Why? Because it happens few times and having my foot on the break saved my life. I recommend everyone to do that.


wittiestphrase t1_jd4lsrv wrote

We expect people to obey them because most people generally speaking don’t want to end up in horrible automobile accidents. It’s pretty good motivation.


RangerHUTCH93 t1_jd4sdub wrote

That's why before I go after it turns green I look both ways and wait a moment in case someone's speeding through.


President_Calhoun t1_jd5s7ep wrote

Same for me. I remember my dad saying that a green light means it's legal to go, not necessarily safe.


Krondelo t1_jd627g0 wrote

Its called being a defensive driver. You should NEVER expect people to follow the laws/rules of the road. You know how many times i see people get into a MUST turn right turn lane only to not turn. If you expect them to turn they’d slam right into you.


Infamous-Werewolf196 t1_jd3nako wrote

Green doesn't mean go, it means proceed with caution. You should never assume someone is following the rules of the road. Especially cops


Waytooboredforthis t1_jd56iqs wrote

It's like I said when I was teaching a friend to drive and she almost pulled out on an absolute clusterfuck of a road, "The only thing a turn signal means is that their turn signal works."


Euphon_Maestro t1_jd3eifk wrote

In my country some people do not give a fuck and will forget all rules as long as traffic cops ain't around. Especially taxi drivers


FlowingMochi t1_jd46t0e wrote

Everyone except this one homeless guy today who got yelled at by security for sleeping outside a casino enterance he wasn’t suppose to be sleeping at.

So to retaliate, he walks into a four way intersection and drops his pants and is just mooning people and whipping his dick around. Homie certianly didn’t follow the rules but I was able to cross the street and carry on with my day so I guess that counts as a win.


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jd3cq5r wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.


lenthech1ne t1_jd5w1si wrote

so. we trust our lives to people obeying the law. not the machines.


Commercial-Bug-349 t1_jd49h1k wrote

Did you forget the fact that third and second world countries exist?


Nofxthepirate t1_jd4vj3v wrote

Are third and second world country inhabitants frequenting this subreddit? I doubt it.


cha_cha_slide t1_jd5fs2z wrote

What are you talking about? There's tons of Americans in this sub.


Nofxthepirate t1_jd5fzwb wrote

That's my point. A shower thought that assumes you live in a first world country is just playing to the demographic of the sub, so it's kinda strange to bring up the fact that second and third world countries might not have stop lights


cha_cha_slide t1_jd62m9l wrote

My only point was that America is not a first world country.


Nofxthepirate t1_jd6358r wrote

By whose definition? Every resource I've ever seen lists America as a first world country and it's pretty clear looking at the world as a whole that it's an accurate statement.


Commercial-Bug-349 t1_jd5kdw2 wrote

Because the Internet is devoid of Indians. Oh wait, it isn't.


Nofxthepirate t1_jd5lrmx wrote

All I'm saying is that it's not unusual to assume that readers of this subreddit are exposed to stoplights on a regular basis. India has stoplights too. I didn't actually know what a second world country was when I made my original reply, so sorry if I assumed too much.

Edit: also, i never said the internet was devoid of Indians. don't misrepresent my argument please.


Commercial-Bug-349 t1_jd5ow9p wrote

There's probably like twenty in the whole country, and literally nobody follows them


Nofxthepirate t1_jd5p12z wrote

You continue to miss my point. At this point I think you're doing it intentionally.