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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jdwvrmw wrote

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rhetoricted t1_jdwwzqv wrote

Sure. Then there are the people who are so indoctrinated by the Church that they believe an invisible man who hasn’t been heard from in over 2,000 years will fly in the sky with a spotlight on him, just because they read some fan fiction that said they would go to a really bad place if they don’t believe.


AdCautious7490 t1_jdwynj8 wrote

Yes, because religious people are always open to adjusting their beliefs based on evidence in front of their eyes while those pesky non-religious people are just SOOOOOO difficult about it. Ugh!


InadvertentButtStuff t1_jdwzp49 wrote

In fairness, if that happened to me I’d check myself into a mental health facility.


dontlookback76 t1_jdy5nrp wrote

Ya I heard god talking to me. Turns out it was mania and psychosis.


Sej0090 t1_jeana1p wrote

Yeah, not everyone will accept Him, but Jesus gives everyone a chance until His Return or their death to believe what was written and recorded in the Bible (and acknowledged by several historians, as well). We know Christ’s message of hope will be spread throughout the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. Just as the Bible predicted, we have already seen Israel established as a nation and the gospel has reached a large number of countries. Based on that I would say Jesus is truly coming soon and we should keep looking up!

I don’t care if I’m downvoted for this comment. I may be a millennial, but I will trust my Lord and Savior until the end.