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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_je8sryy wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.


deliberatelyawesome t1_je8u9me wrote


The beginning of eternity.

Me but not you.

The end of time and space.


Skywire2000 t1_je8yeyc wrote

Not all of them. 30 and 50 aren't spelled with the letter e in it ...


TwentyOnePointOne t1_je90b2t wrote

Fine, I’ll give it a try.

« All odd numbers have the letter E in them. » All of these have an « e »: One Three Five Seven Nine Eleven Thirteen Fifteen Seventeen Nineteen

Then all odd numbers beyond nineteen are composed of one or more words that are listed above.

So: « All odd numbers have the letter E in them » is correct


cbois66 t1_je927kw wrote

If the number is still whole when divided by 2, it is even. 30 and 50 are even because 30 ÷ 2=15 and 50 ÷ 2=25. Now 31 and 51 are odd because 31 ÷ 2=15.5 and 51 ÷ 2=25.5. The outcomes are not whole, so the numbers are odd.


PuntySnoops t1_je94jqq wrote

I'm up to 13,600,001 and so far so good. I'm getting tired though so if someone can please take over.


bunchofbaloney t1_je983xc wrote

Not if you write them in number form, which is the preferred method of today's top mathematicians. Then there are no letters at all.


raff7 t1_je99wnr wrote

1, I don’t see any e in it, I don’t even see any letter at all


GunShowBob t1_je9lrcc wrote

Stealing from other reddit posts does not make a shower thought...


ThePerfectEmployee t1_je9ltvp wrote

Why bother posting something that has been posted many times before...

Learn to use the search function!


opodopo69 t1_je9mksp wrote

All numbers share a letter with the previous number

Ex; O Two Three four