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uranus_be_cold t1_j9x9db2 wrote

Okay, well, imagine calling a pregnant woman "four eyes".

I highly recommend you do not do that.


AWholeHalfAsh t1_j9xhh6c wrote

So if she wears glasses is it 6 eyes?


drowninginteger t1_j9xikub wrote

what if the baby needs glasses too?


69_RADI8 t1_j9y0ham wrote

What if it's twins?


DeMalgamnated t1_j9zk6yl wrote

let me just do the math.....



ok that's 4 carry the 2, minus x, divided by something equals i don't know maths.


the answer is some eyes plus more eyes.


oneplusetoipi t1_j9ym5vd wrote

A friend was pregnant with twin boys and she announced in a meeting she had more penises than anyone else in the meeting.


nomie_turtles t1_j9zzcxo wrote

they also might be growing a pair of balls definitely be careful


ringobob t1_j9ym064 wrote

Depends on the woman, and the day (or the hour, or the minute), but yeah, that's a low odds maneuver.