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ClumsyPersimmon t1_ja8xtgt wrote

I beg to differ. If someone came up and stuck a ‘Well Done’ sticker on me or gave my report a gold star it would genuinely make my day. We need more stickers for adults.


lskerlkse t1_ja8y8vk wrote

As an adult, have you ever had a kid give you a sticker? Especially when it's the sticker they were given first. It's like a little pay it forward type of thing, and it's heartwarming.


knoegel t1_ja8yqcn wrote

You earned a gold star. Now about your yearly raise... Yeah we only made 200% profits this year so we are going to need to put that on hold.

My company did that this year. Record profits, company is expanding, but no raise this year. Last year they gave hourly employees $2 an hour increase. No raises to anyone this year except corporate I suspect. I'm management and didn't see a dime. My team and I literally increased productivity by 25 percent, reduced waste by 15 percent, and almost nobody called in sick.

When I brought it up, I was told "there wasn't room in the budget this year." Fuck off we saved so much money they could have DOUBLED our salaries and wages and we'd still be making record profit.

Edit: Sorry for the salty rant. Last year they showered us with Christmas presents and big bonuses and raises, and this Christmas they paid for like a dozen pepperoni pizzas from Little Caesars while giving a big speech how much money we made them.


Liluglythot t1_ja926jz wrote

Whattttt I get so excited over stickers I wish we still got them at the doctor


Pooshonmyhazeer t1_ja94szc wrote

Hell if it ain’t. I’m always excited to get my “I voted” sticker.


phantom_phanatic t1_ja99m9u wrote

My door at home is covered in them. Still fun to this day because I miss being a kid. Being an adult sucks