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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_j9z1fbe wrote

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Ben_Thar t1_j9z56hb wrote

Your mama so old, when she was born the dead sea was just a little sick.


OneFingerIn t1_j9z6he6 wrote

Your momma so fat that she sat on a rainbow and Skittles came out.


tdaun t1_ja0cds0 wrote

I've never heard of "Mom jokes." I have however heard of "Yo mama jokes," which are only about yo mama!


Seovania t1_ja0xxc0 wrote

"Mom jokes are about mothers"


Time to unsub...


Clewyaa t1_ja0yn23 wrote

Yo mama so fat she sent me a pic last year and it's still printing Yo mama so fat her meat is Wagyu Yo mama so fat you could play golf on her belly Yo mama se fat when she walks in front of the tv you miss the whole season Yo mama so lazy it took her 9 month to finish a joke Yo mama so fat her two but cheeks are in different time zones Yo mama so fat she sweats melted butter


tropicalturtletwist t1_ja15no1 wrote

Mom jokes and yo momma jokes are absolutely not the same thing, friend.