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yamaha2000us t1_ja9pkdf wrote

Just because your links support you position does not make them any more or less qualified than mine.

I don’t have to admit that I am wrong when I have proof of my position. You have to refute my sources.


KungThulhu t1_ja9pxpu wrote

they are data provided by the government idiot. your "source" is an opinionwritten by someone with noe experience or qualifications abotu the topic.


yamaha2000us t1_ja9qphj wrote

Only the last one quotes a US government source and it doesn’t go back to the 40’s which is less than the scope that I am addressing.

Which means I have hit a nerve as you are now throwing insults in the conversation as opposed to refuting my sources or responding to my challenge of yours.


KungThulhu t1_ja9r5mj wrote

im insulting you because youre a fucking dumbass and the conversation was over the moment i gave you sources and you just didnt accept them.


yamaha2000us t1_jaa4yc5 wrote

But I provided sources and don’t feel the need to be insulting.

It’s like you fire all of your bullets and missed the target every time.