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dysfunctionalpress t1_ja9doxx wrote

i could die while taking a normal breath of fresh air, but not from it.


Nimelennar t1_ja9x18t wrote

If you have the right immune conditions, there are enough germs in fresh air to kill you.

And there are quite a few allergens in fresh air, as well.


tmRae_Rae_ t1_jaaikx5 wrote

"Don't even breath or I'll shoot you" breathes a normal breath of fresh air Bang


dysfunctionalpress t1_jaa9vjs wrote

i don't have those immune conditions.


Want_To_Live_To_100 t1_jaac6i9 wrote

You could develop them… easily don’t be so cocky


dysfunctionalpress t1_jaadayd wrote

the point is- i don't have them, so taking a normal breath of fresh air isn't going to kill me. i could die while breathing, but not because of it.

believe me- i don't like being so cocky either...size 18 shoes aren't easy to come by in a lot of styles.


GarretTheGrey t1_jaarnq6 wrote

Most likely your last breath would be of fresh air.

Unless you drown in a latrine I guess?


dysfunctionalpress t1_jaarz8e wrote

but it still wouldn't be the cause said death.


GarretTheGrey t1_jaasnrh wrote

Pfft 100% of people who breathe air die.

The stats don't lie, Marvin!


ChainSword20000 t1_jac6cip wrote

Not quite. There are a few recorded instances, including moses, John the beloved, and Elijah among others.


Nimelennar t1_jaao8mg wrote

Oh, sure, but I don't think OP's "you" is referring to you, specifically, but rather people in general. Like the "you" in "You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone."

So you "you" might not be at significant risk of dying from a breath of fresh air, but it's totally as thing that a indefinite "you" could totally die from.


Aggressive_Village46 t1_ja9mq9i wrote

you could die from fresh air bubbles injected in your blood stream


Want_To_Live_To_100 t1_jaacf2v wrote

The spirit of the statement is any “thing” not some specific action. Too much air and you can die.


Jeanboyx3 OP t1_ja9eslo wrote

You could accidentally have swallowed your own saliva while inhaling a normal breath of air, causing you to choke, and depending on the circumstances, lead you to loosing consciousness, which in turn, might lead to a head injury that leads to death


ammonium_bot t1_ja9rdv3 wrote

> to loosing consciousness,

Did you mean to say "losing"?
Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb.
Total mistakes found: 2404
^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions.


Adamant3--D t1_jaa26o9 wrote

Then you died of saliva not oxygen

>while inhaling a normal breath of air

And you literally used the word "while" 😂 how dumb are you?


Ginandexhaustion t1_jabr76h wrote

Dude you never use “while”, when trying to establish causality. That’s just lazy and wrong,


Jeanboyx3 OP t1_ja9f34d wrote

Or you could breathe too much oxygen, leading to oxygen toxicity, leading to death
