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Wizzle_Pizzle_420 t1_ja2a5c0 wrote

Sometimes the characters in that movie don’t seem as terrible as what we’re dealing with. I had to stop reading/ watching dystopian movies, because some of them don’t seem as bad, and it made me angry that we’re in the age of douchebaggery.

We’re probably a horror movie for those in another dimension.


WettWednesday t1_ja38fxm wrote

>we are a horror story to those in other countries


In Germany they don't just learn about their past to prevent becoming nazi germany again, they also learn in their version of high school, about current American propaganda. And not only is Germany well aware how fucked up we are over here, so are most of western europe. And they're seeing a lot of same overlap in the UK with very similar propaganda and internal destruction.

When Americans stopped aiming for a better future for all Americans, and started only focusing on ourselves and the "I got mine fuck you" mentality, we started accelerating this process beyond a means of fixing it.