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Torewin t1_jado2sb wrote

By that logic, nothing is repeating? You’ll never see anything the same way ever again.


draypresct t1_jadpkcj wrote

The sequence 0.0101010101010… is repeating. I’m just saying that infinite does not necessarily mean “repeating”.


Torewin t1_jae3a6w wrote

But you said that you’ll never have the sequence the same.

Which would imply 010101 and 0101010 is not repeating. It’s a brand new sequence. The same way as 11111001000011100010010101 in your original comment is suggested to not be repeating.

If 01010101 is repeating then the original sequence, given any 1-2 numbers when there are only two numbers present, will be a repeating value. I see multiple 01’s in the original sequence and multiple 0010 and so on. To say that there’s an additional digit and this it’s not repeating would also be the same for 0101010101.


draypresct t1_jae8zpn wrote

They’re…two…separate…sequences. Look at them.