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DrSpagetti t1_j68avi2 wrote

Depends what you're looking for, RI has a lot of great stuff packed into a small area. Great beaches for the summers, solid hiking and other outdoor activities for other seasons. Top seafood. Won't get the urban vibes of a huge city but Boston and NYC are short trips away if thats your thing. Cost of living is relatively high so make sure you have the finances or a gig lined up.

Most RI natives who complain about the state have never lived anywhere else, with no basis for comparison other than short vacations. Anecdotal but all the people I knew who couldnt wait to leave ended up returning within a year or two.


CaroKannyeWest t1_j6lxm6x wrote

I've lived everywhere (currently in Texas), it's always the place I return back to and I'm already planning my return again.


slipperysuarez t1_j688c04 wrote

Jump on in! The waters fine! Bring money.


imuniqueaf t1_j68f2ig wrote

Do whatever you want, I'm not your mother, but don't forget to call her. She worries about you.


UsedCollection5830 t1_j689qrt wrote

😂😂😂😂😂😂 my god is Rhode Island the new Atlanta I'm intrigued


kayakyakr t1_j68lny6 wrote

A lot of political refugees are moving up to New England. Part of the reason why housing costs are up. Ironically, housing supply is also the reason why the states are growing slowly rather than rocketing.

NYC is pulling enough young people back post COVID that the actual populations are staying steady.


johngreenink t1_j6afzp9 wrote

There is a lot to like about Rhode Island - I moved here from Massachusetts (Boston area) and lived for a while in London, UK prior to that. The landscape and beaches here are amazing. There's a general sense of community here that I haven't experienced in a lot of other places. New England is not the cheapest place in the US to live, but you're generally close to major cities (NYC, Boston, etc.) It's very creative here, a lot of artists, musicians and creative people live and work here. I'm glad to chose this as a place to live.


FuriouslyFurious007 t1_j6k7msa wrote

A sense of community you say? Lol. I tend to think quite the opposite. Most of Rhose Islanders are townies that were born and raised here with their clicks that tend to shun outsiders. I've lived in a few different states and I think Rhode Islanders are some of the rudest people out there.


FancyPond t1_j6akkrg wrote

In the top 10 most expensive places to live in the US. Bring lots of money.


very_olivia t1_j6bflbr wrote

i moved away a long time ago but still visit my family occasionally.

the most redeeming things about rhode island:

  • grandma italian food (i'm not talking the fancy shit you can find in any city worth a damn, i'm talking about the homestyle shit you CAN'T find anywhere else). i live on the west coast and yearn for party pizza. even dave's god damn marketplace has truly excellent pizza compared to anywhere out here. pasta dishes out here are fucking garbage unless you're in an upscale place. the food is just good in RI.

  • funniest people, they're rude but i like it lmao. i miss the people all the time. this is no small thing. people are fucking HILARIOUS.

  • jamestown might be one of the most idyllically pretty new england towns there is. south county is so pretty. i love it there.

whether you like rhode island or not, there is undeniably nowhere like it and i'm glad i was raised there.


March_Latter t1_j688fas wrote

Overall, without going into a hundred factors...No, there are far better places to live in.


NoRepresentative5593 t1_j6fnx1g wrote

The question is, what are you offering RI? Why should we let you in?


Httpslaytan t1_j6i52yg wrote

Abort all thoughts of moving here. Run the opposite direction at the speed of light.


canibringmydog t1_j6894j4 wrote

Depends on what you’re looking for! Is there something specific that is drawing you to RI? I love it here but it has gotten really expensive (like a lot of other places).


Wide_Television_7074 t1_j69597n wrote

RI has gone downhill pretty badly the last 10-15 years. Beaches are being taken over by property owners who hire their own private security. Taxes out of control. The level of poverty across the state is shocking. Terrible schools except for maybe 5 towns. Bankrupt. Single political party that runs unopposed many times. But worse, an electorate that thinks it’s okay, and would rather focus on fringe activism.


boulevardofdef t1_j69pmgw wrote

Funny, I've lived here for 10 years and I can't think of a single way it's worse than when I got here, except for housing costs, which is a national issue.


Wide_Television_7074 t1_j69qyhz wrote

well I’m sorry you missed the glory years, RI has been in structural decline since the 1970s — fact not opinion. RI was a national powerhouse prior to then, and the shift of industry to services was bound to happen but RI has not done this gracefully. Unchecked single political party power has gutted the wealth of this once amazing place. Over 70% of our bridges are deficient. We have borrowed on every asset and deferred every liability. We have failed our residents.


PJfanRI t1_j6a6m28 wrote

There is really no benefit in moving to Rhode Island if you don't have friends or family you are trying to be close to.


GeneralSet5552 t1_j6i0ici wrote

to be fair, it should be left to the individual boy/man on whether or not to have it done


vesselgroans t1_j6kpzik wrote

Not if you want decent public healthcare. Massachusetts is right there.


YodaHead t1_j6dz8i7 wrote

Absolutely, Rhode Island is awesome! If you ever get confused about how to respond to something, remember these two magic words: "Fuck" and "You"


bambooboi t1_j68g2xp wrote

There is no business in Rhode Island.

I lived in Rhody for 30 years. Grew up there, schooled there. Moved away with my family, as its not an amazing place to raise your children based upon tax structure, cost of living, and lack of business growth. This is unfortunately taking into account the unparalleled beauty of our coast.

Moved out of state and have seen my monthly costs plummet and overall cost of living improve.

I may eventually purchase a summer home in Rhody, for the amazing summers there, but I will not call it my primary place of residence.


Noofthab t1_j68oxpf wrote

Where did you move to?


bambooboi t1_j68q593 wrote

OH - IO!

Biiig transition away from water, but by a growing urban center (not cleveland) with not so great italian (oh well) but job benefits I never knew were feasible and people who tend to be a bit nicer than Rhode Islanders (I didnt know how occasionally rude we could be until I moved to the midwest)


BOKEH_BALLS t1_j69l4sa wrote

Ohio is not a better state at all lmao.


bambooboi t1_j6ant2u wrote

Thats okay. I make far more here than RI and will have enough to purchase a summer home in rhody


AhChingados t1_j6993n6 wrote

If you are a foreigner, be ready for the culture shock. If you come from an EU country, be ready to lose a lot of benefits you may take for granted. If you come from a non-industrialized country, it is going to get a lot better. Just a few things: -Most countries industrialized are doing better than US in maternal and child mortality rates and in health care/life expectancy. -Workers rights are usually worse than many countries -Corruption depends on the state, for RI we are talking third world county levels. Which could be good for you if you have the money to buy your way around. Just avoid the feds -Getting a green card it is hard, your options are: Student visa (temp) and most employers will be reluctant to sponsor you once you are here unless you have a niche. Work visa, again it has to be for something in high demand. Fiancé visa. Or buy a shit ton of property. -It is definitely a fun state especially if you come from Latin America.


boulevardofdef t1_j69pqdy wrote

I ALWAYS stop reading at "third world"


AhChingados t1_j6bxvzs wrote

It’s the two thirds world (I don’t like “developing countries”) but I don’t know if people reading will get it, and don’t know an international terms for countries ransacked by colonial powers. This is the one hill I don’t die on.


AhChingados t1_j6by3c3 wrote

Oh, and the Latin America part is because I am from Latin America and was having this conversation with other people from Latin America. It is waaaayyyy too familiar


XnFriendlyFriendxX t1_j68henb wrote

RI sucks, it’s expensive for no reason and unless you love the beach or bars really nothing to do . Anyone who says different should explore other states more often.


OpticalFlatulence t1_j68j2dg wrote

Help Rhode Island be less sucky by coming to a r/cozyrhody cleanup. There is one tomorrow morning in Olneyville at 10 am. You can be the best version of yourself you want to be in a place where no one owes anyone anything. Plus, the people there are pretty cool, too.