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bluehat9 t1_j41b4mx wrote

4 way stop when we got there at the same time. Another one is I’m at a red light going left and I’m prepared to wait but the head car going the other way is waving me through, but I can’t see them because of their tint


rolotech t1_j41cygn wrote

There are rules for who goes first on a 4 way depending on travel and if going straight or turning. That's what turning signals are for unfortunately most people don't use them or leave them on for no reason


bluehat9 t1_j41hgzl wrote

What is the rule when you come to a 4 way stop and the person coming toward you comes to a stop at the same time and you are both turning left and have your signals on?


DankOverwood t1_j483dhk wrote


If you’re both turning left then you’re turning in opposite directions and you should go at the same time or whenever you want because assuming you’re driving in the proper line and are not towing something or driving a nonstandard vehicle there’s no way to contact each other.

If you’re turning left onto the same road as the other driver while the other driver makes a right turn, then that means the other person turning right has the right of way and should go first.

It’s really not a situation in which you should ever have to communicate at all with the other drivers around you.


bluehat9 t1_j4879pm wrote

I'd never go at the same time in a normal 4 way intersection here where we're both opposite each other and turning left. I feel I would absolutely get in an accident doing that


rolotech t1_j427z8l wrote

The BMW driver goes first, if both are BMW then idk since I don't have a bmw so don't know the rules for them. If no BMW then idk, you live at the intersection at that point 😂 so yeah maybe hand signals are sometimes helpful